Double Your Productivity

Your 7-Day Time-Blocking Challenge!

For the Busy Female Entrepreneur

Are you tired of feeling like there just aren't enough hours in the day to juggle your business and family responsibilities?

It's time to reclaim control of your time and double your efficiency with our FREE guide, "Double Your Productivity - Your 7-Day Time-Blocking Challenge."

In this free guide, you’ll discover:

  • Practical tips and strategies for implementing time-blocking in your personal and business life.

  • A self-directed 7-day challenge to kickstart your productivity journey.

  • A downloadable worksheet to help you plan, track, and optimize your time-blocking schedule.

Why Time-Blocking Matters for Busy Women Like You:

As a female entrepreneur, you wear many hats - business owner, caregiver, household manager, and more. Time-blocking isn't just a productivity hack; it's a lifeline for women like you who are juggling multiple roles and responsibilities. With time-blocking, you can:

  • Prioritize your most important tasks, whether it's growing your business or spending quality time with your loved ones.

  • Create boundaries to protect your time and energy, ensuring you don't burn out trying to do it all.

  • Achieve a better work-life balance by optimizing your schedule to fit both your professional ambitions and personal commitments.

Ready to double your efficiency and reclaim control of your time?


Shauna Lynn Simon

Business Coach for the Busy Female Entrepreneur

Shauna Lynn Simon is your secret weapon against burnout and your guide to building the business of your dreams.

Running a business can be full of challenges, but you don’t have to face them alone.

Shauna Lynn is an award-winning entrepreneur, published author, and public speaker with over 15 yrs of experience operating multiple highly successful businesses. As a business coach, she specializes in helping you achieve your goals without sacrificing your sanity. Because let’s be real, building an empire should be exhilarating, not exhausting!

What our clients are saying

  • “Talking 1-on-1 was extremely helpful because it pertained to my situation in particular and got me on the right track for the steps I need to take going forward.”

    – Laura Bohn

  • “Working with Shauna Lynn has been genuinely transformative, both personally and for my business. Her proven systems have enabled me to establish a well-structured business, granting me the freedom to take time off while knowing that my team members can seamlessly keep operations running. It has truly been a game-changer!“

    – Tricia Stojke

  • “Shauna Lynn helped me prioritize what I need to work on in my business to get to where I want to go! And not only that – she gave me tools that enabled me to follow through and get real results for my business!”

    – Erika Gmeindl

In this free guide, you’ll discover:

  • Practical tips and strategies for implementing time-blocking in your personal and business life.

  • A self-directed 7-day challenge to kickstart your productivity journey.

  • A downloadable worksheet to help you plan, track, and optimize your time-blocking schedule.