Ep 3: Achieving Goals through Discipline and SMART Planning

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In this episode of the Real Women Real Business podcast, host Shauna Lynn Simon delves into the crucial components of achieving your goals with discipline and SMART planning. She begins by exploring the concept of the accidental CEO, shedding light on the challenges of navigating entrepreneurship without a clear understanding of the journey ahead.

Drawing from personal experiences, Shauna Lynn emphasizes the importance of combating burnout and offers insightful strategies for building a thriving business. Throughout the episode, listeners gain valuable insights into the role of discipline in fostering motivation and driving action toward desired outcomes. Shauna Lynn shares practical examples of setting personal rules to align with individual goals and values, empowering listeners to establish disciplined habits for success. Additionally, she introduces the SMART goal-setting framework, breaking down its components and illustrating its effectiveness in providing clarity and focus on the path to achievement.

Subscribe to The Real Women Real Business Podcast on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform to join Shauna Lynn every week for empowering discussions and practical advice on navigating the entrepreneurial journey with health and wellness in mind.



Ep 4: Revising Your Product/Service Offerings and Pricing Strategy with Trina MacPhee


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