Ep 2: From Founder to CEO: Crafting Your Vision

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Join host Shauna Lynn Simon on the Real Women Real Business podcast as she explores the transformation from business founder to CEO. In this episode, Shauna Lynn addresses the common scenario of "accidental CEOs," individuals who start businesses driven by passion and purpose without a comprehensive plan. Drawing inspiration from successful entrepreneurs like Sarah Blakely (Spanx) and Debbie Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies), Shauna Lynn emphasizes the importance of clarity in organizational vision and strategy.

Listeners will gain insights into the process of crafting a clear vision for their business, including practical exercises to brainstorm ideas and organize them into actionable phases. Shauna Lynn introduces the SMART goal-setting framework and offers guidance on prioritizing tasks to stay focused on long-term objectives.

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or an established business owner, this episode provides valuable lessons on navigating the path from founder to CEO with purpose and effectiveness.

Subscribe to The Real Women Real Business Podcast on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform to join Shauna Lynn every week for empowering discussions and practical advice on navigating the entrepreneurial journey with health and wellness in mind.



Ep 3: Achieving Goals through Discipline and SMART Planning


Ep 1: From Burnout to Brilliance: Shauna Lynn's Survival Story